Object detection
Run inference on object detection models hosted on Epigos AI.
Once your models are deployed on the Epigos AI platform, they come with a readily accessible REST API.
Your API key (obtained via your workspace API settings page)
Path Parameters
The unique ID of your model deployed on Epigos AI. You can find it in the web dashboard by viewing the model details.
You can POST a base64 encoded image directly to your model endpoint. Or you can pass a URL as the image parameter in the request body if image is already hosted elsewhere
Image path to run detections on. It can be base64 encoded string or URL to the image.
The confidence threshold used to filter out predictions
0 <= x <= 1
Indicate whether to draw bounding boxes on the image for the detected objects
Indicate whether to show prediction confidences on each bounding box
Bounding box border width
1 <= x <= 5
The API inference route hosted by us returns a JSON object that includes a predictions array. Each prediction within this array comprises the following attributes:
collection of all detected objects for the prediction
Base64-encoded string of the annotated image.
aggregate of count of all detected objects
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