The Upload Data page provides you with the capability to seamlessly add datasets to your projects, enhancing the richness of your computer vision workflows. Whether you prefer using the web UI for simplicity or leveraging our SDK for advanced automation, uploading datasets is quick and intuitive. Follow the instructions below to upload datasets using either method.

Web UI Upload

To upload datasets via the web UI, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Uploads: Access the project details page and locate the “Uploads” section in the left sidebar. Click on it to proceed.

  2. Click “Upload Dataset”: Within the Uploads section, click on the Upload Dataset button. This action will open a modal window to initiate the upload process.

  3. Select Dataset: In the modal window, select the dataset files you wish to upload from your computer. Supported image formats include JPG, PNG, and DICOM files.

  4. Upload Dataset: After selecting the dataset files, proceed to upload them by clicking the “Upload” button. The upload progress will be displayed, and upon completion, the datasets will be added to your project.

SDK Upload

To upload datasets via our SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Uploads: Access the project details page and locate the “Uploads” section in the left sidebar.

  2. Click “Upload via API”: Within the Uploads section, click on the “Upload via API” option. This will provide instructions and resources to install and utilize our SDK for dataset uploads.

  3. Install SDK: Follow the provided instructions to install the SDK compatible with your development environment.

  4. Use SDK to Upload: Once the SDK is installed, use its functions or methods to upload datasets programmatically. Refer to the SDK documentation for guidance on how to use its upload capabilities.

The Python SDK allows you to upload an entire dataset including annotations in both YOLO and Pascal VOC formats

Supported Formats and Size Limit

  • Supported Image Formats: JPG, PNG, and DICOM files.
  • Maximum Upload Size: Each dataset file must not exceed 10MB in size.

Subscription Quota

You can upload datasets based on your subscription quota allowance. As long as you have available quota, you can upload datasets to your projects seamlessly.

By leveraging the web UI or our SDK, you can upload datasets effortlessly, enhancing the capabilities of your computer vision projects. Should you encounter any issues or have questions regarding dataset uploads, our support team is available to assist you. We’re committed to providing you with a smooth and efficient dataset management experience.