Bounding Box Annotation enables you to identify and annotate objects within images by drawing bounding boxes around them, providing spatial information for training computer vision models. Our intuitive interface simplifies the annotation process, allowing you to select categories for each annotated object seamlessly. Follow the instructions below to annotate datasets using the Bounding Box Annotation tool.

Annotation Process

Follow these steps to annotate datasets by drawing bounding boxes and selecting categories:

  1. Access Annotation Interface: Navigate to the Annotation Interface within your project, where you can annotate datasets. Upon loading the interface, the image from the dataset batch will be displayed.

  2. Select Bounding Box Tool: On the left panel of the Annotation Interface, locate and select the bounding box tool. This tool enables you to draw bounding boxes around objects within the image.

  3. Draw Bounding Boxes: Using the bounding box tool, draw rectangles on the image to enclose each object of interest. Click and drag to define the bounding box’s position and size, ensuring it accurately encompasses the object.

  4. Select Category: After drawing a bounding box around an object, a dropdown menu will appear with all available categories or labels. Select the category that best describes the object being annotated.

  5. Add New Labels (Optional): If the desired category is not available in the predefined list, you can add new labels as needed. Click on the option to add a new label, enter the label name, and confirm to add it to the list of available categories.

  6. Apply Category to Bounding Box: Once the category for the object is selected, apply the category annotation to the corresponding bounding box. This action associates the selected category with the annotated object.

  7. Repeat Annotation: Repeat steps 3-6 for each object within the image, drawing bounding boxes and selecting categories as appropriate.

Annotation Interface

Our Annotation Interface offers a user-friendly experience for bounding box annotation:

  • Image Display: The main area of the interface displays the image from the dataset batch, providing a visual canvas for annotation.

  • Bounding Box Tool: Located on the left panel, the bounding box tool allows users to draw rectangles on the image to define object boundaries.

  • Category Selection: The right panel presents a list of predefined categories or labels for selection. Choose the appropriate category for each annotated object from the dropdown menu.

  • Add New Labels: Users can add new labels directly from the interface if required, expanding the available categories as needed.

Get Started

Begin annotating your datasets by drawing bounding boxes and selecting categories today to enhance the object detection capabilities of your computer vision models. Should you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the annotation process, our support team is available to provide guidance and assistance. We’re committed to facilitating a seamless and efficient annotation experience to empower your computer vision projects.